Principal’s Message

Mukiria Technical Training Institute is set to become a premier training institute in  Meru County.There are serious  plans to expand its capacity to absorb students to train in Business and Technical courses. Our training programs emphasize in acquisition of work competence, entrepreneurial and ICT integrated skills. We are committed to our dynamic strategic plan,vision and mission and motto. Our Vision is to be center of excellence in the development and provision of innovative TVET programs in Kenya and beyond.Our mission is to nurture and impart TVET knowledge ,skills and attitude through research ,innovation and technology for self reliance and national development .The motto of the institute is excellence in skills and competence.

The management of the institute is under a committed Board Of Governors(BOG) who are  professionals and visionary. The Institute offers courses that are market driven and closes the gaps in the labor market. The future to quality training in technology, innovations and development is bright in Mukiria Technical Training Institute.

Thank you and  welcome to this fast growing institute.

Warm Regards,
Michael Maina

Principal – Mukiria Technical Training Institute.

Board Chair’s Message

Chairperson’s Message

Right from its inception to now, Mukiria Technical Training Institute has marched forward to spread the light of education and pave the path of academic excellence for every student.

The aim of Mukiria Technical Training Institute is to produce skilled globally competitive employable and self-reliant human resource. To achieve this, our highly committed staff and students aim even higher and work tirelessly to remain at the pinnacle of their achievements.

The Board of Governors is committed to provide visionary leadership and take the Institute to the next level. The Board of Governors is robust in resource mobilization and aims to transforming the current status of the Institute in line with the Strategic Plan 2019-2023. I welcome all on board as we endeavor to undertake major projects to develop this Institute.


Chairperson BOG – Mukiria Technical Training Institute